Saturday, October 7, 2023

Staycation day 5 of 7. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, flax meal, cacao nibs, toasted slivered almonds, toasted shaved coconut, blueberries; hot water. Day 4 of unusually hot weather. Interment and luncheon planning. Continued technology research. Lunch at home with Patrick: tacos redux. Afternoon snack: an orange creamsicle. Dinner at home with Patrick: Martha Stewart Test Kitchen's Scandinavian shrimp salad, water. I also had a glass of white wine. I washed dishes. We watched The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar on Netflix. Patrick went to bed. Late snack: one navel orange then later some unsalted cashews then chicken nuggets made with chicken, chickpeas, and cauliflower.