Friday, May 20, 2022

Almost fully recovered from the recent shingles vaccine. Worked from home instead of going in to work. Updated the list of websites. Moved a weekly news digest template from testing to production: improve dark mode behavior. Revised lots of blocked email addresses in Proofpoint so that they block the entire domain instead of just the one address. D7: resolve another side scrolling problem. Webforms email delivery problem followup; all seems resolved now thanks to Eric G. Read a long article called Please Stop Using Grey Text. D9 front-end work. Posted a QBI event for MC. Prepped old hard drives for disposal or reuse. Late lunch at home: leftovers from last night, water. Prepared flexible workstation signs. Walked and ran in place during the UCSF town hall. Patrick dined separately then we chatted then Patrick went to bed. I dined: leftover vegan avgolemeno soup with leftover rotisserie chicken, water.