Monday, November 22, 2021

Weight training (leg lift) while listening to Apple News Today, Fifth and Mission, and Total SF podcasts on Apple TV. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, sliced banana; water to drink. Followup with Josh and Julia D about updating HR contact info. Submitted a request to IT to update a web page to clarify that Campaign Monitor can be used for automated RSS campaigns. Followup with Alex, Vince, and Eric about allowlist procedure and a possible DKIM reissue problem. Read NNGroup's email newsletter. Began reviewing Brand Guidelines 4.0 which were published on Friday. Dinner at home with Patrick: breaded tilapia and chicken from frozen with deli mac salad on little gem lettuces, water. Afterwards we each had a glass of white wine. Patrick washed dishes. We watched Discoveries...America, National Parks: New Orleans Jazz & Acadian Culture (interesting content but awful production) then All Hail the King (quite funny) on Disney+.