Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Apple TV has been failing to properly load podcasts, so I'm done with it. Ran in place to Apple News Today and Fifth and Mission podcasts via Apple Podcasts on my iPhone 12 mini then to various YouTube videos. Medium bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, sliced banana; water. Missed sprint standup. RSS to email followup all day: Sendinblue. Midmorning snack: we shared half of a mint chocolate chip cookie. Lunch at home by myself: veggie burger on Arizmendi baguette piece with spinach, cheddar, mayo, bbq sauce; french fries with ketchup; water. Dinner at home with Patrick: TJ's beef lasagne, water. I had a glass of white wine. Dessert: I had a bite of the remaining mint chocolate cookie. Patrick had the rest crumbled in Double Rainbow chocolate ice cream. We finished watching Amazing Grace on Netflix DVD. Patrick went to bed. I registered some of my Peak Design products then troubleshot problems with Untitled Goose Game and Sony Playstation DualSense 5 controllers. Discovered that I can get one controller working when plugged in with USB-C cable. Bluetooth still would not work because of pairing problems: Connected followed immediately by Not Connected. Calendar management. Weight training: tricep kickback, dumbbell shrug.