Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Breakfast at home: egg, provolone, and mexican-seasoned ground chicken on toasted english muffin, hot water. Walked and rode Muni to UCSF Laurel Heights. Responded to a request from Adam R about web editing and images. CGEH review followup to Katherine K. OSACA server folder permissions problem followup with Robert C. Followup on Qualtrics inquiry. More CGEH followup. 1:1 with Eric. Automated news template work. People content maintenance followups. More automated news template work. Configured synchronization of some home folder items to Dropbox so that I can mirror a development configuration at home. Walked and rode Muni home, stopping at Cal-Mart for groceries along the way. Resolved a problem on Patrick's MacBook Pro in which the internal speakers were no longer present in the Sound pane in Preferences. I resolved it by unplugging the cable to the docking station then restarting the computer. No lunch. Afternoon snack: a handful of sunflower seeds. Dinner at home with Patrick: Yan-kit's chicken glazed in hoisin sauce with steamed white rice, Hint blackberry. Dessert: for Patrick: ice cream with one crumbled fudge-covered Oreo, for me: one red Twizzler and one fudge-covered Oreo. Watched Stranger Things s3:e7 on Netflix instant watch with Patrick. Rested with Patrick while he went to sleep. Washed dishes.